Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Cat With The Crossed Paws

Fed up. I am so very tired of reading other people’s posts and finding controversial subjects there. It’s not the subjects that are the problem... it’s the responses to these subjects that upset me so. For example, I’ve found in many blogs a discussion about religion. These discussions, while they are, for the most part, intellectual in nature, definitely are influenced by their own personal religious views. This is shown in one of Susan’s blog posts (a response to one by Jaisu):

“Jasiu says that Stan's wrong, that religion is necessary for people to live peaceful, just lives with happiness and a substantially dropped amount of murder.”

Susan goes on to mention a quote from Jaisu’s blog that basically says that we could not live without religion, that it is the root of all good. And again, Susan responds by mentioning the countless wars started by religion. It goes on to show that Jaisu adamantly believes in one religion, while Susan believes in something radically different. Though this particular conversation has not turned to argument yet, one can see it looming on the horizon, an ugly beast ready to sink its foul teeth into the subject of religion.

Argument is the root of all evil. A force opposing your own. And idea, a feeling, a person, an opinion. No, argument does not always escalate into something big, but it often turns your opponent more against you than they were before you fought.

Differences, though they define us, are also our own destruction. All it takes is one person to discriminate against another and our own paranoia of the past overcomes us. You can mention the skin color of a person, and this paranoia, this overpowering fear we hold on to, takes over and someone blows the whistle. It doe not matter your intent, what matters is the intent perceived. No one cares if you didn’t mean it that way, they only care that they thought you meant it that way. They only care that they are offended, they for the most part only care about themselves. Such is human nature.

1 comment:

  1. I love your title. Anyways, good stuff here. I think I was nodding the entire time I was reading it. XD
