Friday, December 17, 2010

Just... no.

Drama.... oh this is a sore subject at ASTI. I really wish it wasn't, but after my own experiences and those mentioned by Troy and Stan in their posts really made me realize that drama is very much alive and thriving at our school. Here’s something Troy said:

“Some things I do to stay away from these problems are: just telling the person to stop it when it starts, or just removing yourself from the situation...”

This is some pretty decent advice. Ok, I lied, this is damn good advice. Seriously fellow ASTIans, we need to cut ourselves off the drug that is drama. All it does is screw us all up mentally. I know how tempting it is to say horrible things about someone because they were cruel to you (as I always say, your peers are more cruel to you than anyone else), but it would be advisable to not take the bait. What is that thing they always said to us when we were little? It was something like... don’t react?

So I suppose the drama boils down to minor bullying problems... From day one they’ve told us that whatever a bully says is crap, that it’s not true. Of course, being over dramatic teens, we never listen and well, overreact. Or, someone will start out ignoring it, until they just get so tired of it that they explode. I don’t pretend to be an expert on not reacting, because I’ve gotten in my fair share of trouble for shoving back when shoved, but in concept, it’s a fantastic idea. One that I’ve tried to drive home to more than one friend who gets in tiffs and squabbles over the stupidest things. And I mean, the stupidest things. Something one said in a class discussion (relating to the topic and everything) causes the other one to heckle and giggle, and exhibit A, our first person, gets mad in turn. Sure it’s justified in some ways, but none of us needs this crap riding on our shoulders, especially at a school like ASTI, where we’re there to learn. NOT to have fun. NOT to socialize. WE ARE THERE TO LEARN.


    Happy holidays mercedes. =)

  2. O.O Hello Conscience :P
    Happy Holidays to you too!

  3. LOL Cristian! Mercedes... this is truly inspiring. :)
