Friday, January 28, 2011

Not a true rebuttal, but close enough

In exploring my partner Beatrice’s blog post on celebrity influences, I must say that it was mostly made up of opinion and no facts, no research or quotes to back it up. And because of this, I will respond with an opinion of my own. I don’t necessarily think that celebrities should try to make themselves role models for teenagers. That’s not their job. It is a parents job to regulate their children and teach them right from wrong. So consequently, it should not fall to the celebrities. Of course, celebrities are people too, and all people should do their best to be good people. I’ll ask you a question, if you see someone on the street singing loud and profane songs, something you’d never want your children to hear, would you stop them? Would you grab their arm and tell them that they should be your kid’s role model? Or would you glance at them sideways and tell your kid that isn’t they way you act?

Too much stock is put into what a celebrity does as well as how they dress. If kids see their parents idolizing movie stars and “teen sensations” then the kids will do the same. In the end, it all comes down to the parents, and how the parents work with their kids.  I have thought for a long time that many parents these days are too lenient towards their children, because of the parent’s resentment for their own fathers and mothers. These parents don’t want their kids raised the way they were because their parents weren’t giving them everything they wanted. And, so consequently, we end up with a younger generation of kids that are told they can do almost anything they want because they want to do it. And that “it’s ok” with their parents because “kids make stupid mistakes”. But who’s to keep these kids from killing themselves in the process but their parents? Parents, as I said, need to be harder on their kids. Not much, just enough to keep them in line for the most part. If celebrities are to be our kids role models, shouldn’t their parents be too?

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