Friday, January 14, 2011

Just Words

“The ignorance of people can sometimes be overwhelming. Sometimes it just hits me that we, humans, the animals that... can feel love, are the same animals that can... commit genocide on [multiple peoples because of their differences]” (Christian Cortez)

This statement was pulled off one of my friends blogs, Chrisitan Cortez. Of course, I edited it a bit to shorten it, but I hope that you can still understand the meaning within that very simple string of words...  he goes on in his post to talk about how a simple miscalculation can lead to the deaths of hundreds of people just because of a superiority complex we humans seem to have developed as a species. We, as a race, are under the impression that we are superior in every  way to most “wild” animals. But wait, we’re afraid of them! Stay away from the bear for he has sharp teeth, step back from the wolf for fear of those claws, shy from the cobra and his venom, and flee from the lion and his roar. These are taught to us from almost day one, an yet we maintain the idea that we are superior to animals in almost every way. And so then we reach our own ignorance among ourselves. And before I continue I will mention that the following are not my beliefs and that they are meant purely as examples. Thank you, but I would rather not be beaten by classmates for unintentionally offending them. And so American culture, or rather in Californian culture, we are told to pity the Jews because of their own past persecutions, told to view the church as a joke because they think differently, and we are told to hate the Muslims because “they caused our current war”. But why? Many, if not all of these wrongs against the religious types are born of that great quality, ignorance. Ignorance of something different and radical compared to our ways, Ignorance AND fear of the unknown, and many things more. It’s sad, it really is. We, as a race again, need to learn that our shadow is not as scary as we want to believe, and if we shed light upon these different peoples, the shadow cannot survive. Who ever heard of a shadow when all we see is light?

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